AA Hours that a train is late in arriving. These hours are generated by the system using the "Arrow system. Paid at straight time. ( O.T. L/C XA)

AB This labor category will break the employees weekly/monthly guarantee. Used by position control.

AC Payment for time spent after a trip to "Remit, Debrief, Reports, Etc. " Paid at straight time. (O.T. L/C XC)

AD To be used for payment when a employee works past the normal meal periods. Paid at straight time

(O.T. L/C XD)

AE To be used when a employee is required to report prior to their assigned time. Paid at straight time.

( O.T. L/C XE)

AF To be used for a OBS employee working a ARASA position. Paid at straight time. Hours apply to the monthly guarantee - not overtime.

AG Used when a employee is furloughed. Note: This will break the employees guarantee, also a form 2000 must be completed.

AH Maximum payment of 40 hours to a regular assigned employee who is in training and does not break their monthly guarantee - Rule 40 (B) ASWC "System Generated"

AJ Payment for the actual time lost to fulfill jury time.

AK New hire attending training classes - OBS breaks guarantee. Paid at straight time.

AL Dollar payment for OBS employees. Requires train number "System Generated"

AM This labor category is used for hours paid in LCS that need to be entered in LMS to increase the guarantee and overtime "Buckets". Unpaid labor category.

AN Payment of an authorized personal leave day carried over from previous years according to union contract.

AO Late lunch allowance 20 minutes for employees working on yard jobs.

AP An engineer who is assigned to work with a trainee is paid a differential ($10.00) allowance as specified in the union agreements.

AQ Payments made to engineers for time spent in on-job training to learn the physical characteristics of the right of way.

AR Payments made to trainmen trainees when they are attending training classes.

AS Hours paid but not worked to make up the trip hours guarantee. At overtime payment for time spent at layover location on employee’s relief day.

AT Overtime payment for time spent at layover location on employee’s relief day.

AU Overtime payment for deadheading from one location to another combined with work assignment on employee’s relief day.

AV Hours paid but not worked to make up the daily minimum number of hours at the overtime rate on an employee’s relief day.

AW Dollars paid at an overtime rate to make up the difference between what the employee earned and the dollar amount guaranteed fro the trip on an employee’s relief day.

AX Dollars paid at overtime rate to make up the difference in hours between what the employee worked and number of hours guaranteed for the trip on an employee’s relief day.

AY Payment for deadheading from one location to another at overtime not combined with the work assignment.

AZ Safety coordinator labor category. Counts toward guarantee, but not towards overtime.

B1 Overtime hours paid for T & E employee who have a 6th start with 40 hours pay previous to the 6th start. This labor category is in effect if the employee is in straight time(01).

B2 Overtime hours paid for T & E employee who have a 6th start with 40 hours pay previous to the 6th start. This labor category is in effect if the employee is on layover(straight time 75)

B3 Overtime hours paid for T & E employee who have a 6th start with 40 hours pay previous to the 6th start. This labor category is in effect if the employee is on deadhead combine(77).

B4 Overtime hours paid for T & E employee who have a 6th start with 40 hours pay previous to the 6th start. This labor category is in effect if the employee is on deadhead deadhead separate service (79).

B5 Overtime hours paid for T & E employee who have a 6th start with 40 hours pay previous to the 6th start. This labor category is in effect if the employee is on trip guarantee ( straight time - AS)

B7 Overtime hours paid for T & E employee who have a 6th start with 40 hours pay previous to the 6th start. This labor category is in effect if the employee is attending a training class ( straight time 90).

B8 Overtime hours paid for T & E employee who have a 6th start with 40 hours pay previous to the 6th start. This labor category is in effect if the employee is in late train ( straight time - AA).

BA This labor category is system generated when position control use "UPB" (unpaid bereavement) status. ** does not break monthly guarantee** *system generated* (unpaid)

BB This labor category is used to manually re-instate a guarantee that was broken in error and can not be re-instated automatically through the system by zeroing out the hours for the break guarantee labor category(s).

BC This labor category is system generated when position control uses "BRK" (Break guarantee indicator) status. +Brakes guarantee+

BD This labor category is system generated when position control uses "FUR" (Furlough) status. + Breaks guarantee - See rule 10(E) ASWC for extra board employees+

BF Labor category used by labor cancellation for DBS research on recovery of gross. This labor category will not be extract to DBS or appear on the history of paid labor. "System Generated"

BG Time lost when an employee is in company business.

BH Time lost when an employee appears in court.

BI Time lost when train & engine employees perform committee (union) work.

BJ Time lost when an employee is on jury duty. Documents must be presented before payment is made.

BK Time lost when an employee is satisfying reserve duty requirements. Documents must be presented before payment is made.

BL Time lost when T & E employee is not called to work a job according to his standings on the extra board. Documents must be presented before payment is made.

BM Time lost when train & engine employees are learning the physical characteristics of the right of way.

BN Time lost when train & engine employees are performing special duties. Documents must be presented before payment is made.

BO Time lost HE train & engine employees have their report times adjusted and are notified within 2 hours of their original report time.

BP Unpaid hours used to reduce BLE extra-board employee’s guarantee payments due to one day of sick. Documents must be presented before the guarantee payment is made.

BT Unpaid bereavement leave when an employee would have been held away from their home terminal. Guarantee remains intact.

BU Time lost when an employee is off on hours of service.

BQ Time lost when train & engine employees appear on behalf of the company. Documents must be presented before the payment is made.

BR Time lost due to position being abolished or the loss of employee’s job due to lack of seniority. Does not break guarantee. Bridges holidays.

BV Commissions earned for selling Kodak cameras on board trains (OBS).

BS Vacation/make whole

C1 Non-taxable time claim payment.

C3 This labor category is used to pay an employee’s lost wages when they are held out of service in error.

C4 This labor category is used to pay employee who is assigned to work a special duty work. Bridges holidays.

C5 Payments made to an employee for time spent in refresher training.

C6 Payments made to an employee for time spent in training classes. Rule 40(A) ASWC (O.T. L/C XJ)

C7 Training facilitator (SF-147) labor category. Counts toward guarantee, but not towards overtime.

HA Hours that a train is late in arriving on a OBS holiday. These hours are generated by the system using the "arrow" system. The hours will be automatically added to the employees total time on duty. (OBS) paid at 1.5

HC Exception labor category for de-briefing employees on a OBS holiday. Paid at time and one half. (OBS) system generated

HD Exception labor category for payment of late dinner on OBS holiday. Paid at time and one half. (OBS) System generated

HE Exception labor category for payment when a employee is order to report before his/her schedule reporting time on a OBS holiday. Paid at time and one half. (OBS) system generated

LS Lump sum payment made to union employees as a result of union - management negotiations.

QC Payment for deadheading from one location to another combined with a work assignment (train & engine) while qualifying.

QS Payment for deadheading from one location to another not combined with the work assignment.

QT Hours paid but not worked to make up the trip hours guarantee while qualifying.

Q5 Payment for time spent at layover location (train & engine) while qualifying.

Q9 Payment made to an employee who is held at a point other than his home terminal until his next assignment while qualifying.

TB Employee failed to bid - assigned to the extra board * system generated * + Brakes guarantee +

TD Employee failed to displace into another job within 5 days after he was notified.

XA Hours that a train is late in arriving when an employee is in overtime status. These hours are generated by the system using the "arrow" system. The hours will be automatically added to the employees total time on duty.

XB Payment for the time spent at layover location (train & engine) on holiday or personal day.

XC Exception labor category for de-briefing employees. Paid at time and one half (1.5). (OBS) system generated.

XD Used by OBS as exception labor category for payment of late dinner. Paid at time and one half (1.5) (OBS) system generated.

XE Exception labor category for when a employee is ordered to report before his/her schedule reporting time. Paid at time and one half (1.5). (OBS) system generated

XF Payment for deadheading from one location to another combined with a work assignment ( train & engine )on a holiday or personal day. (OT)

XG A payment made to a employee who reports for a assignment and is not used. Paid a overtime. ( maximum payment is 4 hours) (S.T L/C 83) *system generated*

XH Payment for deadheading from one location to another not combined with the work assignment on a holiday or personal day. ( T & E) (overtime)

XI Hours paid but not worked to make up the trip hours guarantee on holidays and personal days. ( overtime)

XJ Attending training class - paid at overtime. ( S.T. L/C 90) rule 40(A) ASWC * system generated*

XK Deadhead combine service (O.T.)

XL Payment of deadhead hours at overtime. (LBR - 79)

OA Labor category is used by provide schedule for the employee status that does not require labor generation.

OB Labor category is used by provide schedule for the employee status that does not require labor generation.

OO Labor category is used by provide schedule for a status on position control that does not require a labor generation. * system generated *

01 Normal hours worked at the straight time rate.

03 Hours paid for normal hours worked while in overtime status.

06 Maximum eight (*) hours pay at time and one half for normal hours worked on a designated holiday.

07 Hours paid for schedule down time not allowed. Payment according to ASWC union contract rule 12(B). HO

08 Away from home layover hours paid not worked to make up layover guarantee. Payment according to ASWC union contract rule 12(B). Hours to be counted toward monthly guarantee but not toward overtime.

09 Hours paid but not worked to make up the daily minimum number of hours at the straight time rate.

10 Payment of vacation time earned according to union contract.

14 Payment of an official day of rest according to union contract. ( Also includes 4 - hour holiday payment to ASWC employees)

15 Payment of an authorized personal holiday according to union contract.

16 Hours paid but not worked to make up a employee’s monthly guarantee minimum number of hours. (OBS)

17 Payment for leave taken due to a death in the family according to union contract.

18 Payment for time taken to fulfill jury duty time, or any other required civic duty.

19 Payment for time taken to satisfy reserve duty requirements.

20 Payment of credit hours by part-time employee’s in accordance with their union contract.

21 Payment for vacation time not taken - other than current year.

22 Portal-to-portal time paid according to union contract.

23 Back pay paid to union employees for straight time worked.

24 Back pay paid to union employees for overtime worked.

25 To update labor in LCS when a lump sum vacation has been paid. This labor category will not pay the employee.

26 Compensatory time for down time not allowed. Paid at straight time, the payment includes LSA differentials, if applicable. The hours count toward monthly guarantee but not toward overtime.(rule 12B)

27 Early release due to foul weather.

29 Payment for authorized leave. (Straight time)

33 Labor category used to record hours for family and medical leave of absence in accordance with the family and medical leave act that became effective August 5, 1993.

35 Hours paid but not worked to make up the daily minimum number of hours at the overtime rate.

37 Payment of an authorized personal leave day according to union contract.

38 Hours paid for schedule down time not allowed while in overtime status. The labor category is system generated.

40 Dollar payment for meals expenses incurred.

41 The cost to AMTRAK for reimbursable commutation expenditures authorized by collective bargaining agreement or corporate policy.

45 Payment for the cost of maintaining a uniform according to union contract.

46 Gratuity received

48 Dollar payment for working lead, inspection, welder, or other special duty. Train number not required for OBS and T & E employees(entitlements). *system generated*

49 Make whole allowance for T & E employees.

50 Dollar payments to an employee due to violation of the union contract.

51 Payment for C-1 guarantees.

52 Payment for C-2 guarantees.

53 Applies to NEC apprentice engineers only. Four hour bonus mace when employee is called to do emergency work in place of a passenger engineer.

54 Amount recorded for payment made to employee for union duty work. Guarantee is reduced by the amount entered (T & E).

55 Payment for separation C-2.

56 Hour payments to employees due to management violation of the union contract.

59 Days not worked because of resignation. (Unpaid)

60 Employee has marked off sick and has exhausted his benefits or is not eligible under a paid sick plan. (Unpaid)

61 Employee does not report for work and fails to notify supervisor.

62 Pre-arranged leave taken by the employee. (Unpaid)

63 Time lost due to physical disablement which occurs while performing job related duties. (Unpaid)

64 Time lost due to position being abolished or the loss of employee’s job due to lack of seniority.

65 To record unassigned days not worked by extra board employees or to record days not worked due to change in an employee’s work schedule.

66 Time lost due to a suspension according to union contract. (Unpaid)

67 Employee reporting to work after prescribed time. (Unpaid)

68 Employee leaving work prior to prescribed time. (Unpaid)

69 Used to deny claims in the remarks portion of the train & engine time card.

70 Overtime offered but refused by an employee.

71 Regular time offered but refused by an employee. Used for unassigned or extra board employees.

72 Hours reduce from guarantee when an OBS employee is suspended. (Unpaid)

73 Dollars paid to assistant conductors (MBTA train & engine).

74 Payment at one half time rate for time spent at layover location (MBTA train & engine).

75 Payment for time spent at layover location (train & engine).

76 Overtime payment for time spent at layover location (train & engine).

77 Payment for deadheading from one location to another combined with a work assignment (train &engine).

78 Overtime payment for deadheading from one location to another combined with the work assignment (train & engine).

79 Payment for deadheading from one location to another not combined with the work assignment.

80 Payment at overtime for starting train & engine employees prior to their scheduled start time.

81 A payment made to train and engine employee who was not called to work a job according to his standings on the extra board.

82 Payment made to a train & engine employee who reports and was not notified that his assignment was annulled.

83 A payment made to an employee who reports for an assignment and is not used.

84 Dollars paid to make up the difference between what the employee earned and the dollar amount guaranteed for the trip (T&E).

85 Dollars paid to make up the difference between what an extra board employee earned and the dollar amount guaranteed for the week (T&E).

86 Payment for working train with a reduced train crew (trainmen).

87 Productivity allowance for working in a short crew for trainmen with prior railroad experience before August 13, 1981.

88 Payment for the emergency situation. Employee already preformed compensated service on the same day (T&E).

89 Payment made to an employee who is held at a point other than his home terminal until his next assignment.

90 Payment made to an employee for the time spent in a training class.

91 Payments made to train and engine employees for time spent learning the physical characteristics of the right of way.

92 Payments made to train and engine employee for attending court or inquest on behalf of AMTRAK.

93 Payments made to train and engine employee for attending hearings and investigations on behalf of AMTRAK.

94 Payments made to train and engine employee for time spent in conference with officers of AMTRAK.

95 Payments made to train and engine employee for time spent scheduling vacation and other assignments.

96 Payments made to trainmen in lieu of lodging (two minutes for each mile).

97 Overtime payment to employees for work on their relief day. Employee must have worked all regularly scheduled hours for the week to receive monies under this labor category.

98 Applies to off-corridor passenger engineers who have worked all their regularly scheduled assignment overtime payment for the emergency work on hours of service day.

99 To report time and/or monies denied for T & E employees. To be used only by T & E crew management.